Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to excel in chess

The Cebu City Sports Commission and the Cebu Chess Federation in cooperation with the Department of Education Cebu City Division are in the midst of training teachers from the different public Schools of both Elementary and High Schools the basics of chess.

These teachers are then expected to impart what they have learned to their students as part of the grass roots development of The Chess in Schools program.

I estimate that more than 40,000 students will benefit from this program not counting the private schools students and the schools in the province.

If you want to learn how to excel in chess this is for you .
One of the many problems a beginner faces in a game, once he is familiar with the rules, is what to do when playing the game, how to play the opening and how to attack his opponent.
Here are specific guidelines on what or what no to do. Winning at chess basically consists of creating and exploiting you opponent’s weaknesses.
Understanding, not memory, is the essential key to success. The chess player who understands why will consistently defeat the player who only knows how
Anyone can try their hand at a chess game, but it takes a bit more effort to become a good chess player.
First ,Join a local chess club. Don't make yourself feel good by playing people that clearly are worse than you and play with good players.
Learn the value of the pieces. A pawn is worth one point. Knights and Bishops are worth three points each. A Rook is worth five points. A Queen is worth nine points
Play for the center. Occupy, guard and influence it. Drive away enemy pieces that control it.
In general, make only two pawn moves in the opening, usually the center pawns. When capturing with pawns, it is correct most of the time to capture toward the center even if the result is doubled pawns.

Develop knights toward the center.
Place bishops on open diagonals. Avoid unnecessary exchanges with knights .Develop the Bishop on the side you wish to castle before the other Bishop.
King-side pieces should usually be developed sooner than Queen-side ones, and Knights before Bishops. Develop during exchanges
Put rooks on open files, half-open files, files that are likely to be opened, or behind advanced passed pawns. Double them, so that they support each other.
Castle early.After castling, don't move the pawns in front of your King without specific reason.
Don’t move the queen out too early in the game. In the opening, don't remove your Queen from play to "win" a pawn.
Determine whether you have an open or closed game, and play accordingly Usually play to retain Bishops in open games, and Knights in closed games
Move every piece once before you move every piece twice unless there is a clear reason to do so.
Having the 'Bishop Pair' - two Bishops when your opponent does not - is worth about half a pawn. To improve the scope of your Bishop, place your pawns on squares opposite in color to it.
Stay flexible. Always be ready to transform one type of advantage to another, or to switch from tactical to positional play.
Respect all opponents, but fear none. If you blunder, don’t resign. Sit back and figure out how to give your opponent trouble. Go down fighting.

Be aggressive, but play soundly. Don't take unnecessary chances. Make sure every move has a purpose.Don't sacrifice without good reason.
When you can't determine whether to accept or decline a sacrifice, accept it.
Attack in number. Don't rely on just one or two pieces. Look for double attacks.
Remember that there are exceptions to every general principle and law in chess. Knowing when you can violate them is one of the hallmarks of a strong player.

1 comment:

Ian said...

thanks for sharing...very instructive guidelines : )